

Understanding Risks, Treatment and Dealing With Glaucoma

December 30, 2011

As one of the leading contributors to blindness in the United States, glaucoma affects millions of people on a regular basis. It causes progressively cloudy vision that eventually leads to total loss of sight. Ultimately it is one of the most common eye problems in the country.
Understanding Glaucoma
The natural progression of the disease sees unnatural fluid pressure increasing in the eyes. This leads to damage of delicate structures that support vision. The disease most commonly presents as open-angle glaucoma, although there are other types.
A small space at the front of the eye houses fluid that keeps surrounding ocular tissues healthy and hydrated. People who suffer from glaucoma have a progressive deformity in this space, called the anterior chamber. Since the fluid does not drain well, fluid builds up and causes pressure to skyrocket, which damages the optic nerve.
Glaucoma Symptoms
In the earliest stages of glaucoma there are no notable symptoms. The condition is not painful and vision is not affected until the disease begins to progress. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to diagnose glaucoma early when it is most treatable. As the condition gets worse, the peripheral vision begins to fail before front vision declines. It may be harder to see objects to the side, while objects directly in front will still be clear.
During the progression of the disease, the field of vision will continue to decline. The peripheral vision will continue to get worse and eventually progress to the front, affecting binocular vision. The condition cannot be cured, but it can be treated to help maintain vision for as long as possible.
Glaucoma Treatment or Surgical Options
In the majority of glaucoma cases, the fluid pressure can be controlled by use of medication. Eye drops help slow the buildup of fluid or increase the rate of drainage, preventing fluid from causing too much damaging pressure. Pills are also available for some types of anti-pressure medication.
Many patients opt for laser surgery when their glaucoma is not well controlled by medication. The anterior chamber where fluid exits the eye is enlarged by a laser, which makes it much easier for pressure to escape. The chamber may heal back to its original size in time, which makes it necessary to have additional surgery later or return to a regimen of eye drops or pills for treatment. Generally, surgery is reserved as a last resort by glaucoma doctors since it is relatively invasive, but it is an option for patients whose glaucoma does not respond to other glaucoma treatment.
People At Risk for Glaucoma
Glaucoma can happen to anyone, but there are a few special risk groups that are more likely to develop it. These people include:
People who have glaucoma in their family history
People with African-American heritage
People who are 40 or older
In the early stages of the disease there are no symptoms, no pain and no sign of deteriorating vision. Open-angle glaucoma is generally diagnosed once vision problems start happening. Without treatment for symptoms the condition can progress to total blindness. It cannot be cured, but with careful medical care it can be controlled, symptoms can be reduced and vision can be supported. As the leading cause of blindness in the United States, glaucoma is a disease that people at risk need to understand. Knowing the symptoms and risk factors can help encourage people likely to develop glaucoma to attend annual screenings, which will help detect the disease before vision loss becomes a problem.
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