A large number of eye doctors treat patients who go to their office complaining of ailments such as eye pressure, head pain, and problems with sight. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you should be concerned about glaucoma. Only an eye specialist can tell if you're suffering from glaucoma after a thorough eye exam.
What causes Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is sometimes referred to be the "silent thief of vision". It creates an increased pressure within the eye that can destroy the fragile nerve fibers crucial to vision. Glaucoma can possibly end with irreparable and severe problems with sight, and a constricted field of vision. There are various kinds of glaucoma named acute glaucoma, chronic glaucoma, secondary glaucoma and normal tension glaucoma (which is a form of chronic glaucoma.)
Complaints About Pressure in the Eye
If you ever feel pressure in the eye, you should contact an eye-care professional as soon as possible. Even people with healthy eyes and regular pressure may experience glaucoma in the future. An eye expert can let you know if you have glaucoma. Testing for this disorder is one of the main reasons that regular eye exams are important.
Complaints About Headaches
The increased amount of pressure within the eye caused by glaucoma could cause headaches. Soreness in the eyes can accompany a headache caused by glaucoma. Experts that have researched glaucoma have indicated that emotional episodes of fear can possibly also start these kind of headaches.
Complaints About Loss of Vision
Glaucoma is a very damaging eye condition that can result in a complete loss of sight when it is not treated. The first loss of vision experienced is often peripheral vision. Eye care professionals know that patients that are older than 45 are at a greater risk of developing this ailment. If you are worried about your vision, or you think that you may not be seeing as well as you used to, it is vital to see a qualified eye expert like immediately to preserve your eyesight.
At Risk Groups
*People known to have a family history of glaucoma
* People that have suffered from diabetes, anemia and other systemic diseases
* Men and women of Hispanic or African American origin
Possible Treatments
Your chosen eye care expert will decide the best suited options for treatment. The treatments chosen will be unique to your disease. Treatment options include:
* Medication therapy
* Surgical procedures with lasers
* Glaucoma surgeries including filtering and drainage implants
* Eye drops
Relieving Complaints through Professional Help
Be sure to seek professional help from an eye doctor that is experienced in assisting patients in improving their vision. They should be able to help you overcome your complaints of excess pressure in the eye that you may be feeling, headaches, and inadequate vision. Make checks to ensure that the eye doctor has a solid reputation. They are able to help you through the use of the most up to date techniques in eye care to allow you to live pain free and eliminate your glaucoma symptoms.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5897970
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